Saturday, January 29, 2005

slightly wasted day

so i slept away today. such a huge waste. actually it wasn't though because i really do seem to be sick. sore throat, sneezing, runny nose. it gave me an excuse to practice my french. "bonjour madame, j'ai un mal de gorge. j'ai un rhume" no, i do not want some spray thing that i can spray in my mouth and nose. i want tylenol cold tablets. instead i end up with this therafluish thing which kinda helps. at least it tastes more like sugar than medicine. i managed to choke it down, and then slept for another hour. i'm feeling a little better now, which is good cause i'm moving tomorrow. i know i've written about this before, but it's in my head a lot. i'm really afraid to be living alone. to not have anyone to come home to. i think i'll be talking to myself a lot. i'm thinking of that weekend i stayed in new york all by myself. it was soo lonely. but then i really didnt know ANYONE in the city. here i've already made friends. and they'll be in my neighborhood, or at least close. and i'm getting a cell phone tomorrow, so i should be fine. but it should be fine. i'll be a real grown up finally. it should be interesting. bon nuit.


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